Touch Me!

We are surrounded by surfaces. Especially in architecture, surfaces decisively shape our sensual perception of space. They represent the interface between things and people as the users of those things. Based on his work on the ETH Zürich, Gregor Eichinger has dealt intensively with the Benutzeroberfläche der Architektur, the architectural “user interface”. He calls for a deeper engagement with the surface as an essential architectural medium of communication. The author explains how time is carefully woven into the surface, what alchemy has to do with architecture, why we no longer look up at the ceiling, and how architecture is created from the inside.

“Surfaces tell you everything, because nothing else speaks to you and touches you so deeply.”

TITLE: Touch Me!
AUTHORS: Gregor Eichinger / Eberhard Tröger
PUBLISHER: Lars Müller Publishers

NOTE: the book is available in english and german




Galerie Mezzanin